Singularity and homogenization of PDE 2018

Singularity and homogenization of PDE 2018


中心计划在2018年5月至6月召开 Singularity and  homogenization of PDE 活动.活动的组织者为林芳华教授和张立群研究员。此次活动拟邀请Changyou Wang, Wei Jun-Cheng, Fanghua Lin 和 Zhongwei Shen 各自做10小时左右的系列报告。系列报告涉及下面的内容:

Changyou Wang : to talk about general theory of blow ups for harmonic maps.

Wei Jun-Cheng : to talk about how to construct various blow-ups for harmonic map heat flows.   

Fanghua Lin : to talk about classical periodic homogenization.

Zhongwei Shen: to talk about stochastic homogenization.
